採用100% GOTS 認證拉絨有機棉,柔軟舒適,方便嬰兒活動。 女嬰和男嬰的男女通用圖案。前開襟款,方便在寶寶睡著時更換衣物。
Frequently asked question
Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.
Frequently asked question
Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.
Frequently asked question
Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.
Frequently asked question
Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.